a-la-carte 1-on-1 coaching: $200 / 1-hr session
Quickbooks hosting: $200 / month
a-la-carte 1-on-1 coaching: $200 / 1-hr session
Quickbooks hosting: $200 / month
a-la-carte 1-on-1 coaching: $200 / 1-hr session
Quickbooks hosting: $200 / month
This is a deep dive into the topic you wish to address. We will ask leading questions to get to the bottom of your pain point(s).
This plan is for Mr. Fence Academy Alumni who have graduated from their first year and want to stay and continue with coaching. Continue moving your business upward, maintain what you've learned, and participate in re-coaching.
Contact our team to find out more about coaching by the hour that is available outside of our special plans above.
Please email neiko@mrfenceacademy.com for more information and to sign up for your Mr. Fence Academy plan!
Our program changes the way you think about your business ... the way you run your business and the way you manage your life. Everyone who participates in the Mr. Fence Academy grows as a leader, as a business owner, and most importantly, as a person. You have to improve yourself before you can help others!
As a member of the Mr. Fence Academy, we have 3 important steps to follow that will help you reach your business goals and even change your life!
Make the full commitment to our process for success! Each part of the training uses specific, actionable steps and procedures that are built and proven to help you gain sustainable long-term growth. Trust the process and make the commitment for yourself and your company.
Your job as a member is to take in all the "golden nuggets" of information from the Mr. Fence Academy training and information we've built into our proven business systems. Doing the work of following our education with full participation is the only way to make it happen!
We will equip you with everything you need to succeed in business and with your team! Once you learn our methods and systems, you'll have the opportunity to implement it to lead your business and your life exactly where you want it to be and then reteach what you've learned as part of the process. Take the lead and succeed!
Academy Director
For more information, or to get your questions answered about any of the Mr. Fence Academy coaching plans, please contact Neiko Guillory.